1. muzyka z księżyca
music from the moon
four men on the road minutes and hours were melting into time and the lights were waking the eyes from a dream they were escaping from the night, so as not to stay on a foreign road and make their way home and make their way home
2. piosenka dla chłopców
song for boys
it was like shining, like stepping into ice-cold waterit was like shining, like looking straight into the sun
they were watching television, following each wrinkle on the screenthey were walking down a street peeping now at dogs and then at people
it was like shining, like looking straight into the sunit was like shining, like stepping into ice-cold waterit was like shining
3. piosenka dla dziewcząt
song for girls
through cities on underground railroad to you rocks me the night
4. ptaki czują jesień
birds feel the autumn
the wind blows through me chemistry is wiser the wind blows through me the wind blows through me I bid farewell to the days of autumn
almost nothing has taste I am forcing myself to breathe ... chemistry it melts metal and the sun it melts sand and glass almost nothing has taste I am forcing myself to breatheI bid farewell to the days of autumn, autumn, autumn
5. sauté cz. III
saute part III
pictures and places without any order date spictures and places without any order insignificant things have a certain senseI have to recover my memory chip I lost sometime in the morning by todayI have to recover my memory chip I lost sometime in the morning before everything gets covered with white flakes of snow
6. wzmocnione światła
strengthen lights
it was like shining, like stepping into ice-cold waterit was like shining, like looking straight into the sun
they were watching television, following each wrinkle on the screenthey were walking down a street peeping now at dogs and then at people
it was like shining, like looking straight into the sunit was like shining, like stepping into ice-cold waterit was like shining
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