Here is all Gride's Lyrics
Kudykam - Where To Go
We don't know, we look for, we miss,
we roam, we don't know, we despair
to the left, to the up, forward, we don't know,
to the right, to the nothing
we look for, we despair, we don't know,
we suffer, we roam, we run
to somewhere off
mainly off
we don't know
where to go
the direction is difficult to find
in the motionless mire
we don't know
where to go
and so we beat on a gate by our heads
maybe there is hope
and someone is laughing behind the wall
"it is checkmate by fourth moving"
he is shouting to the silence
Znovu a opět znovu - Again and Again
everything is OK
they tell under breath, by undertone even by shouting
again and again
like an exterminator
when he gives a poison
to the feed for hungry question marks
again and again
the formula for doing truth from lies
Modlitba politického sadomasochismu - The Prayer of a Political Sadomasochism
to shut up
to bend one's head
to one's knees
to bend one's back
the four-year rosary
with beads of authority
we pray for the right to obey
for the promise of safety
Made In Hell
they have been telling us
that hell is not before death
but it's only on the Earth
and has thousand forms
You read Made In Hell
written on label of your bought illusion of paradise
the trade mark of global capitalism
on bared teeth of bar codes
Die Kunst Ist Tot
where a tree should have grown up
even grass scorches there
for a feeling of delight
there is only a plastic flower
in every robot's lapel of uniform
coloured, flavoured
mass culture
a family package
for living in nonliving
Die Kunst ist tot was a motto of avant-garde dadaistic group in Germany after the World War One. This group declared that culture together with humanity had died on battlefields of the World War. They also refused all conventions, traditions and stylistics of conservative official culture. They propagated total freedom of creativity and non-commercial expression. Today, in post-modern society of consumption, almost 100 years after the Dadaist, we recognize the same feelings as they had. Only the diagnosis of the culture's death is a bit different. The culture hasn't died in any war, hasn't been killed by yperite or nuclear bomb but has been killed on production lines of entertainment industry. It is cut to pieces, sterilized and preserved and then sold according to weight. The culture is dead, only consumer goods have remained here.
ear of your mouth
makes eyes
for other ears
the eyes of the control of your thoughts
The Echelon is a global spy system, which is managed by US secret service NSA (National Security Agency). The function of this system is to monitor all electronic communication. According to assigned words the Echelon chooses and records all that is interesting for secret services. The Echelon monitors mainly communication with political tasks but some economic tasks have also been added recently. The Echelon contains listening posts and an interpretive system. Involved states carry on listening posts and are able to create so-called national dictionaries. The dictionary contains interest words or forms, which secret services are interested in. All listening posts have all national dictionaries and filters at disposal. Then these posts are able to control acquired information according to all filters and they send results to secret services.
Teď již víme vše - Nowadays We Know All
there are no X nor Y
in the equation of living
the excrements of human mind
have been spread to space
and there is sounding from the ass
"We can be proud of it"
people say it's a highlight of progress
and I'm thinking of
how it has been celebrated by those
who died by hunger yesterday
and according to their answer it seems
that nowadays we know all
but we still don't understand
the essential
Naděje v míjení - The Hope Of Passing
drops flow on the stone
in pain of every morning
the paralysis, born by Loneliness
for pleasance of the father Fear
we whisper secretly
that they killed hope
and meanwhile our and its eyes
meet every day
a spark with a spark
hand themselves their hands
a drop and a drop
dream about the river
how a rock bends to it
the stream in desire
the fire in the river
gives live to dreams
15 000 pounds of humanity
egalité, fratelité, liberté
zero in on
only Death knows
what freedom is
and after hard work
she is singing the song of living
War propagandists often view a modern war as a chain of accurate attacks by so called smart bombs. TV shots with effects of these weapons on enemies' shelters are showed and army and political newspeak is enlarged with words like "humanitarian bombing" and so on. The idea, that only "the bad men" die in wars that are waged by rich countries of the North, is propagandised to us. But the truth is different. During these wars, the so-called dumb bombs are often used in a big scale because they are cheaper than expensive missiles with accurate guide. One of the worst bombs which has been created ever is BLU-82/B nicknamed "Daisy cutter". This bomb weights 15 000 lb. and is filled with high explosive gelled slurry GSX. Its explosion has lethal effect about 500 yards from the place where it explodes. It creates perfect democracy system of death within this area…equality, freedom and brotherhood of dying. It isn't matter if a dictator, a member of repressive forces, a women, a child, an animal, a soldier or a peasant are in the circle of its rule, they are equal everybody in this moment. Equal in death that they didn't wish, free to die for higher interests of someone else, united by their tragic destiny. BLU-82/B is pure essence of war, an answer to the picture of modern war refined by the propaganda, sour smile addressed to speeches about humanitarian bombing.
Geometrie řádu - Geometry of a Order
when laws about all will be put out finally
there won't be any reason to be afraid
only thing to ask will be remained
are you with us
or against?
machining of opinions
to linear forms of commands
signposts at corners
tattooed numbers under armpits
Tanec bláznů - Fools Dance
the orchestra tunes up
the conductor bows
silence, please, we are starting
and obedient to the drums
the machine hearts beat
and you dance
in the straitjacket
of everydayness
so dance
life from mercy
in the circle of destruction
left and right side of the bill
so dance
a tooth for a tooth
an eye for an eye
obey to the rhythm
don‘t look for the reason
it‘s long time ago in the asylum
closed in the solitary room
Nutnost? - Necessity ?
a look into the mirror
a look into my own eyes
to be both the executioner and the victim
of my own emotions
into a dark cell
as deep as the bottom of my conscience
there I have locked down my humanity
with seven turns of the key
it keeps on screaming on though
it longs to be free
thus deserves to be punished hard
lash it into blood
despite the pains
it doesn't go silent
a razor-edge plucks up calm
peace in the eye of hurricane
and so I locked it down
to succeed
to both torment and be tormented
and then I killed
to survive
I killed man
in my inner self
Slova - Words
an affectionate caress
to confirm the friendship
a shake of hand
the same as a sting
a poisonous snakebite
forced into a chain
they hold heads bent down
and fingers on the cocks of guns
they administer life's crossroads
the faithful servants of ideas
twisted into dynamite detonator
they count down to explosion
Ve stínu - In The Shadow
I know it is there
somewhere behind my back
in a friendship with time
over a bottle of alcohol
not to spare anybody
when it calls to attack
with no exception tear
the spine out of all bodies alive
I know it is there
I perceived it
through the corner of my eye
in a glimpse of the truth
under the burden of heavy boots
everything shuddered
and the air shivered of pain
he called for help
when under rain of strokes
bent low to the ground
and also the little cloth
with which they wiped their mugs
the one that used to be snow-white
now suddenly red became
like grapes of anger
ground with piston of a press
I know it is there
a grain of dust told me that
with a mild smile of the knowing
from the reverse side of the Moon arrived
entrusted me with its secret
and so now I also know
that even though there might be some light somewhere
there is a dark shadow that's lying on us all
Hranice - The Borders
carefully cut up
the mountains, oceans, the forests
because of the will of hate's messengers
into deeps wounds
full of fire and pus
handfuls of salt added
carefully cut up
the bodies, hearts, the brains
and in a filthy corner rejected
a festive dinner for the toadstool hyenas
and the supper for the vultures
across the borders in our souls
across the scars in maps
from me to you and from you to me
it's further somehow
when you can‘t find a word
and you don‘t know any facts
when you have got the feeling
that there is no authority
when you must show the world
where the real truth is
then you‘ll use your argument
the argument of clenched fist
the fear on their faces
gives you to know
the feeling of „intelligence“
it‘s an elation just to that point
when someone else uses
the argument of a gun against you
Manipulace - Manipulation
you are persuaded from every side
you meet them on your every step
how could you live so long
without our products ?
cunning investments to advertisement
control human dreams and wishes reliably
there is the only purpose
every body wants things, that were not missed before
and the only lust remains
the lust for buying
Možnost volby? - The Possibility Of Choice
variants, that aren't solutions
now you got the right to decide
will you choice the death by hanging
or rather a bullet into your nape?
Tradice - Tradition
closed in a cage
of inculcated knowledge
proudly talking
about unlimited space
Everybody says it
everybody was told before
everybody believe it
everybody was taught it
the sky is red and the sea is yellow
the sun has been black since ever
without the flag and the hymn
people wouldn‘t be people
tradition accepted
without any protests
dogmas melted
into cerebral skin
the man is a lord of creation
animals are just a feed
woman is inferior
the different ones have no rights
without dogs and the shepherds
the crowds wouldn‘t survive
and „why?“, that is the question
which is never being asked
Posedlost - Obsession
the glitter of gold has burned the eyes to ashes
the life in darkness is more simple
to go straight ahead and don't look around
to don't see the blood on your hands
obsessed by possession
obsessed by power
in a chase for your private Eden
to send the others to hell
vigorous steps grind bones of "the inferiors"
the money talk has drowned out the human cry
Lobotomie vírou Lobotomy By Belief
Oh my god, my lord
there is nothing much than you
my fate is too hard
you are my salvation
please answer me
how to live my life
lead my steps of life
into the kingdom of heaven
onto your altar
all I have I‘ll sacrifice
and my mind I‘ll put to feet of the holy church
I wanna be a puppet
that is capable of everything for your love
Pevné hradby normalizace -Firm Walls Of Normalisation
finishing of the next railing
firm walls made of barbed wire
to regulate human lives
on the right and only way
you mustn‘t turn aside
pressed to tight form
mutilated, you live in silence
in a prison of their laws
and rules
Amnézie - Amnesia
Murders of last days,
death and pain of innocent people
The reason for their suffering
is disappearing in the mist of oblivion
Memory lost in a deepest abyss
White moments in history
It's the clearest symptom of amnesia
The grave of four millions bodies
The place that you chose
for a rebirth of hatred
The ignorance of the past
Your pity and your humility
is just another false mask
You said you wanted to honor the martyrs
but now you spit on their graves
The crosses, you built here
they should have had different form,
the form that was here somewhere in time
It was a sign of the same evil
-Fascistic swastika-
This one is immediate reaction dealing with the situation of the former concentration camp Osweicim-Auschwitz. Nowadays, this place became again the place where fanatic hatred and intolerance are spreading their wings in full strength. The cause for it all is the monumental cross-built by poles, members of Catholic Church. Pope hallows this cross. This cross is a trespassing upon a promise given by the Christians. They promised not to build any monumental religious symbols in the concentration camp's area. This was because Jewish religion doesn't enable any Jew to pray in close neighborhood to a cross like this. So the Jews called for its removing. But they were refused and the radical Christian groups are very dogmatic and they don't cover their anti-Semitic opinions (their cross built polish nazi skinheads too). It is possible again to hear sentences about world Jewish conspiracy here. These same sentences, which we could read in Hitler's anti-Semitic laws or hear on Kristallnacht. The sentences, that were cause of six million people death. Did these Christians forget about holocaust? Did they forget how many Jewish transports finished in Auswitz? They must suffer from some kind of lost memory. How could they speak about paying tribute to polish antifascists and then scream anti-Semitic slogans? These problems don't deal only with this case. It's like the amnesia has afflicted the whole world. Fascists and nationalistic organizations are on the rise. Racists and xenophobic moods are spreading like a disease. Did we forget indeed about what happened a few decades ago? Hope, we didn't! We hope that the lost memory is just a temporary illness and people will be reminded of a real face of fascism. If they won't there is a danger that the history will be repeated. Let's learn from the mistakes of our ancestors!!!
GRIDE, September 1998
Arogance moci - Arrogance of Power
we‘re more important than anybody of you
in our uniforms, we‘re much like the gods
we‘re the police and we protect you
we‘re just for your welfare here
but don‘t try to provoke us with your „bad appearance“
or we‘ll show you who is the master
don’t try to think about any protests
we are the law here
the judgement and the punishment
Příběh s otevřeným koncem - The Story With An Open End
the chain of the motor-saw
factory stacks
cities over-filled with cars
nuclear power plants
they tell sad story
about nature devastation
about human greed
selfishness and indifference
a few sentences left to finish
upon the world, wet by tears
about destruction of mankind
or about the return to nature
me and you
we all are authors
of this final chapter
Spravedlivý system - The Rightful System
the powerful hand of totalitarian regime
relieved its pressure
be happy, you slave
after those years of oppression
lies and terror
you know the real truth and love
welcome to the freedom empire
society of bliss
with false feeling of freedom
at the counters of supermarkets
consume a don‘t doubt
show your gratitude
at the ballot box
the prosperity and the wealth
are only guaranteed
by our brand new rightful system
so why do you still feel
that pressure, which is grinding you?
you can‘t breath
tied up with a tight rope
caught in a net of the next regime
Parlamentní utopie - Parliamentary Utopia
far above your heads
built of simple trust
a palace of ballot tickets stands
from the palace windows, people and ground
seem so small, meaningless
useful only for to be commanded
lies are served on golden trays there
falsehood and selfishness seem to be a virtue
a big notice is chiselled
on the walls and on the gates
"Don't let it be disappeared
let it live forever
parliamentary democracy"
Vlast, národ a šílenství - Country, Nation And Insanity
An echo of the shot
embodied hatred
death flies forwards
tearing bodies apart
hungry for blood
the bullet doesn't ask why
it doesn't think, it kills
obedient to the commands
for the nations serenity
under the flag of its country
what's alive?
and what's the fodder for the bombs?
funeral flowers from the state
amongst mass graves
possibility to murder
acknowledged with iron medals
and at the bottom of the trench
disfigured with the tank tracks
in the mud
the lost human reason lies
Klub přátel vivisekce - Vivisection Friends Club
a need called up by advertisement
forced cosmetic product
hungry crowd buys in the markets
the shit tested on animals
there's no time for remorse
it's gone aside
greed wins above humanity
tortured animals by Draize tests
"we cannot do anything about it"
average consumer
average excuse
no will to look for the alternatives
and the answer is so easy
you don't buy, they don't profit
the solution written on every banknote
boycott! boycott! boycott! boycott!
but still they buy, they don't want to think
members of vivisection friends club
Uniforma - The Uniform
you overlook me, you despise me
because my appearance isn't enough "underground"
you introduce new norms
you create uniforms
shocking image
you have distinguished from crowd
but you haven't changed yourself
Some of our friends were exposed to mocking and contemptuous notes because of their clothes in concert. It was because they haven't military trousers, ragged jeans or T-shirt with any accepted band and they were taken inferior. People that behave this way understand anything. They want to distinguish from consumer society and create moral code that permits to you what you can wear or not. It isn't right and these people take scene as a style and their mind is in the same level like mind of some racist. Fortunately we didn't meet a lot of those people.
Vysát a zahodit - Suck And Throw It Away
multinational octopus is chocking all the world
insatiable corporations devastate mother Earth
their motto is "suck and throw it away"
they exploit and plunder this planet
in the name of progress and technologies
nature isn't important for them
gain is the highest priority
what about human being?
what does a man mean for you?
it means only replaceable working machine
and the slogan "suck and throw it away"
on the dead, destroyed planet
there will be just warning memento
the motto of our merciless period
"suck and throw it away"
Nazi Menace
discrimination, arrogance
oppression, violence
the shade of nazi menace
and you keep silent!
Now you live here, in the Nazi Empire
New world order
was created by your indolence
mutilation, intolerance
extermination, virulence
realization of nazi menace
And you keep silent!
now you stand here, face to the wall
the shackles on hands
you gather fruits of your indifference
False Friends
you tell me just nice, sweat words
"oooh, you are so gooood!"
but behind my backs these words turn to arrows
poisonous arrows
dangerous tips stick deeply into my heart
they hurt me
our friendship is dead now
forget and buried
turned to dust
Moderní společnost 1997 - Modern Society 1997
the way of life is given with the television screen
the brain – its degradation
the dependence – medium net
faces covered into the robe of apathy and indifference
voluntary refusal of own personality
crazy pace of everyday existence
artificial life without people's factor
thousands of automatic movements
and bad ostensible feelings
price of life given in dollar notes
using of feeble and powerless people
matter of course of modern society
conscience drawn in conform
and in a lot of unnecessary things
Linda said...
Very nice quotes with an interesting background. Those times were quite different. These lines reflect how the things used to be in the past and how they have changed over the time.
June 8, 2017 at 3:06 PM